The Priceless Beauty Technique You Need to Start Now

When it comes to looking and feeling beautiful we often do not consider the fundamentals of maintaining our youthful radiance. One of the techniques I always introduce my naturopathy clients to is SLN, it sounds like the next NLP, brain rewiring or food intolerance testing technique. It is in fact more powerful and more importantly free. It is Self-Love & Nurturing. Whilst it is easy to dismiss self love or pampering, it is a critical component of any beauty routine. Read on for three key methods involved in practicing SLN and how they will help to nurture that inner and outer glow:

Beauty Sleep

Sleep is critical for the growth and renewal of all body systems, including the skin. A deprivation of sleep can make fine lines more visible, increase redness, exacerbate pigmentation and decrease skin hydration.

A reduction in sleep leads to a decrease in the body’s release of melatonin. Melatonin is a natural antioxidant secreted at night which acts to prevent the skin from free radical damage. This is one of the reasons poor sleep may lead to accelerated aging and reduced skin health.

The other reason that sleep may make you look older is that a lack of sleep increases the body’s release of the stress hormone cortisol. An excess of cortisol in the body will influence the breakdown of skin collagen, the protein that keeps the skin smooth and elastic.

A lack of sleep has been shown in studies to affect skin hydration, appearance and impact fine lines. In fact a study conducted by the University of Cleveland on the Effects of Sleep Quality on Skin Aging and Function showed that sleep deprived women were shown to show more significant signs of attributes like fine lines, uneven pigmentation and less elasticity versus their well rested counterparts. Poor sleepers were also shown to retain redness in their skin, experience greater moisture loss in their skin and recover more slowly from sun damage as compared to women who were getting adequate sleep.

Switch Off:

Time and time again I see clients who feel so burdened by work issues, with no down time, feeling they need to be constantly in work mode- checking emails, responding to calls and thinking about work issues at least 14 hours per day. This work-domiated culture we have produced means we are consistently exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMFs) from or. computers, smart phones and other electronic devices which we are using for the most part of the day and even at night

Radiation exposure at the levels we are exposed to on a daily basis can result in skin burns, dry, wrinkled skin and what is known as photo aging.

Countless epidemiological studies, from The British Medical Journal to the World Health Organization (WHO) to the California Department of Health, have linked EMFs to lymphoma, leukemia, male fertility problems, autoimmune system deficiencies, birth defects, tumours, insomnia, heart problems and more.

In a study Consequences of late-night smartphone use and sleep, researchers from Washington, Florida and Michigan State universities have found that using smartphones before bed disturbs sleep, negatively affects work and accelerates ego depletion, which refers to people’s capacity to self-regulate behaviour and act positively and productively.

What can you do to try to switch off from EMFs?

  • Switch off from all electronic devices at least two hours before sleep. It will make for better sleep and ensure you wake refreshed and ready to tackle the next day with the motivation and energy required;
  • Invest in a proven EMF blocker;
  • Do not sleep with your iphone next to you or put it in aeroplane mode to prevent you checking it in the middle of the night; and
  • Aim to have at least 10 hours of the day EMF free (you may be surprised at how difficult this is).

Allow Yourself to Receive:

We often think that we must be constantly giving and that we do not deserve to pamper or receive. When we allow ourselves to self-pamper and receive we actually build a supply of energy, strength and confidence to continue to be the radiant beings we deserve to be.
Our talents, passions and interests are in fact the basis of our life purpose. Practice doing your best to give and receive as well as to receive from yourself. There is no need to wait for others to give back to you. You can indulge in yourself without guilt. A few of my favourite ways include having a relaxing massage, switching my phone off and enjoying a day in the ocean or lighting beautifully scented candles and reading a light hearted book in bed.

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Anna Mitsios

Adv. Dip. Naturopathy. Adv. Dip. Nutrition. B.Com (Honours)

Anna is a certified naturopath and nutritionist and founder of leading Australian natural skincare and wellness company, Edible Beauty Australia. Anna has been featured in various publications including Mind Body Green, Women’s Health and Allure. She is committed to the natural transformation of her client’s skin using proven botanicals, nutrients and herbal formulations, both on the inside and out.  

Anna’s career began in the corporate sector, where she specialised in corporate finance and private banking for over ten years working in Sydney and New York for a large Australian bank. Anna’s career change was sparked by her own health journey, following a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes at 18 years of age.  Her diagnosis triggered her intense study of botanicals and nutrition to manage auto-immune condition and assist others in attaining optimal health. Anna’s naturopathy career has included working as a naturopath within a reputable natural fertility clinic in Sydney, within a pharmacy and health food store and running her own naturopathy practice. 

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