Sunday Rituals to Unwind

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Never underestimate the importance of unwinding!
We all know that eating well and exercise are cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, however, in our fast-paced world it can be easy to skip another vital component of wellbeing: rest! Yes, downtime and relaxation are key to feeling and looking your best. At Edible Beauty, we believe in having a day of rest each week that you use to focus just on nourishing yourself from inside and out.
And what better day to do this than Sunday? This final day of the week brings the opportunity for reflection and closure on what we have achieved so far, whilst preparing ourselves to set goals and tackle what lies ahead. If we plan to meet Monday energised and feeling positive, Sunday is definitely the perfect time to turn inward, practise self-love and unwind, before the busy new week comes knocking on your door once again. 
So spend quality time with loved ones, eat the rainbow, get outside in nature, feel the sunshine on your skin, and the wrap it all up with some of these unwinding rituals:

1. Revel in a pamper session.

You probably don't need to be convinced on this one! A good at home beauty session is a wonderful form of self love which will leave you glowing inside and out. Treating yourself to some TLC with beauty rituals such as a mini facial and a calming bath with a few drops of lavender oil will help to release tension and help you reconnect with yourself. 
We love performing a facial massage using our ultra-nourishing & Snowflower Illuminating Facial Oil, which has the über relaxing benefits of the ingredient Blue Lotus, a botanical known for its sedative properties as it contains nuciferan (a natural anti-spasmodic) along with aporphine, which will give you feelings of calming euphoria.
Another Edible Beauty Sunday favourite is our & Sleeping Beauty Purifying Mousse which you can pop on before bed to wake up fresh-faced and radiant the next morning!

2. Put your legs up - literally!

Find a comfortable nook in your house and lie on your back with your bottom almost touching the wall and your legs going up it at a right angle. The wall should be supporting the weight of your legs. Next, place your hands on your belly and breath deeply and slowly. Doing this for just 10-15 minutes is extremely nurturing for your nervous system. Inverting the legs and feet to reverse the blood flow combined with slowing the respiratory system down calms your body and mind. This nourishing pose it also a wonderful tool to use if you need a time out or are feeling stressed and overwhelmed at any time of the week.

3. Technology switch off. 

Most of us spend many hours of our days glued to one screen or another, whether it's your office computer or your smartphone. Research shows that the blue lights from screens are contributing to sleep disorders by disrupting our natural day/night cycles. The online world is also incredible busy and be disruptive to slowing down our minds. Ditch the phones, tablets, laptops and TVs for at least 2-3 hours before bed. If you can make Sunday a technology free day, that's even better! 

4. Have a calming cup of tea. 

In cultures all around the world, enjoying tea is a relaxing ritual. End your Sunday by making yourself a pot of a relaxing herbal blend, such as our No.3 Sleeping Beauty Tea, a soothing tisane containing Oat Seed, Lemon Verbena and Chamomile flower blossoms to prepare you for a restful night sleep.

5. Supplement with magnesium. 

A good quality magnesium supplement can be a wonderful aid if you struggle with insomnia, other sleep disorders or high stress levels, as well as having the extra benefit of supporting bone and muscle health. If you think a magnesium supplement could help you, we recommend you speak to a healthcare practitioner to help you select the right supplement for you.  

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Anna Mitsios

Adv. Dip. Naturopathy. Adv. Dip. Nutrition. B.Com (Honours)

Anna is a certified naturopath and nutritionist and founder of leading Australian natural skincare and wellness company, Edible Beauty Australia. Anna has been featured in various publications including Mind Body Green, Women’s Health and Allure. She is committed to the natural transformation of her client’s skin using proven botanicals, nutrients and herbal formulations, both on the inside and out.  

Anna’s career began in the corporate sector, where she specialised in corporate finance and private banking for over ten years working in Sydney and New York for a large Australian bank. Anna’s career change was sparked by her own health journey, following a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes at 18 years of age.  Her diagnosis triggered her intense study of botanicals and nutrition to manage auto-immune condition and assist others in attaining optimal health. Anna’s naturopathy career has included working as a naturopath within a reputable natural fertility clinic in Sydney, within a pharmacy and health food store and running her own naturopathy practice. 

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